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Molecule Protocol v2.0

Empower your smart contracts with on-chain rule-based compliance and beyond using Molecule Protocol.

Molecule Protocol is a set of smart contracts that allow for the construction of custom rule engines in decentralised applications. With Molecule Protocol, you can easily implement complex logic and conditions in your smart contracts such as Allowlisting, payment verification, and compliance checks.

This new feature of the Molecule Protocol implements a Sanctioning feature, allowing service providers to create their own sanction or allow lists to block or allow addresses associated with certain parties or activities. While the Molecule Protocol oracle maintains a general sanction list, service providers are responsible for maintaining their own lists through the Molecule contracts. The Molecule Protocol oracle periodically updates the general sanction list with data from various countries' sanction lists (such as the OFAC-SDN).

Join the Molecule Protocol community today to take advantage of this powerful new feature and enhance your DeFi project's security and compliance capabilities! 🚀

Last updated