
Rule-Based Compliance with one line of code

Secure Your DApp with Molecule Protocol - Featuring General Sanction List, NFT-based Access List, and Custom Sanction List. Create rule-based compliance and security for your on-chain smart contracts and DApps with Molecule Protocol.

Molecule Protocol is a powerful compliance infrastructure that enables developers to integrate rule-based compliance into their on-chain smart contracts and DApps. With the Molecule Protocol, developers can create custom allowlists and blocklists to enforce compliance with a wide range of regulations, including AML/KYC, sanctions, and more.

What is Molecule Protocol?

The Molecule Protocol is a rule-based compliance protocol that defines a set of smart contracts for constructing custom rule engines. The MoleculeController.sol smart contract serves as the controller, while MoleculeLogicList.sol smart contracts are used for constructing rules.

By adding and removing rules from the Molecule Controller smart contract, it creates a rule engine that returns true or false. This allows for the construction of both simple and complex logic systems. Molecule Protocol is not limited to DeFi, but can be used by all on-chain smart contracts and Dapps for rule-based compliance and security.

Each Molecule smart contract includes a status setting that can be set to always return true (bypassed), always return false (blocked), or return a boolean based on the rule engine (gated). This enables the construction of allowlists, blocklists, and other types of rules for on-chain compliance.

It can be used across a wide range of blockchain applications, including DeFi, NFTs, gaming, and more.

What is Molecule Protocol used for?

The Molecule Protocol can be used to enable on-chain rule-based compliance for any smart contract or DApp. This means that it can be used to enforce compliance rules for various categories such as DeFi, NFTs, gaming, and any other on-chain smart contract. The Molecule Protocol provides a customisable rule engine that can be used to create and enforce allowlists, blocklists, and other types of rules. It also enables service providers to create and maintain their own custom sanction lists. Overall, the Molecule Protocol provides a secure and compliant infrastructure for the development of blockchain applications.

Benefits of using Molecule Protocol

Molecule Protocol offers several benefits to developers who use it. These include:

  • Compliance: Molecule Protocol ensures that tokens issued on the platform are fully compliant with regulatory requirements, which reduces the risk of regulatory scrutiny and penalties.

  • Decentralisation: Molecule Protocol is built on top of the Ethereum blockchain, which means that it is decentralised and transparent.

  • Security: Molecule Protocol uses smart contracts to enforce compliance rules, which ensures that tokens issued on the platform are secure and tamper-proof.

  • Flexibility: Molecule Protocol is designed to be flexible, which means that it can be used for a wide range of use cases.

  • Cost-effective: Molecule Protocol eliminates the need for intermediaries, which reduces transaction costs and makes financial applications more accessible to everyone.

Last updated