Molecule Protocol Smart Contracts

The Molecule Protocol Smart Contracts provide a flexible, customisable, and powerful solution for integrating rule-based logics into various sectors.

The Molecule Protocol Smart Contracts provide a flexible and easy-to-use solution for implementing various rule-based logics in your Dapp or smart contracts. While initially designed to address the AML/KYC requirements in the DeFi space, the Molecule Protocol's use cases are much broader and extend beyond traditional finance. The Protocol can be used in gaming, rewards, loyalty, subscriptions, and other sectors.

The Protocol offers a range of smart contracts that can integrate several Logic contracts. These include MoleculeLogicList and MoleculeLogicNFT, among others, enabling users to check if an Ethereum address is present in a sanction list or an allow list. The Protocol also offers a Smart Contract template that users can deploy and customize to meet their specific requirements.

The Protocol's user-friendly interface, flexibility, and inclusivity make it an ideal choice for businesses and developers looking to ensure compliance and security in their applications.

The Molecule Protocol is a permissioning protocol that allows users to create custom permissioning rules for their smart contracts. It is designed to provide a way for smart contract developers to define and enforce access control rules based on a wide variety of criteria.

There are two categories of Molecule smart contracts: One is MoleculeController smart contract which act as a core and Logic smart contracts which are integrated with the core Controller contract

The first category includes the following contracts:

  1. MoleculeController.sol: This is the core contract of the Molecule Protocol. It implements the IMoleculeController interface and allows users to set up and manage a list of permissions using a combination of Logic contracts. Users can add and remove Logic contracts as needed, and the MoleculeController contract will check each contract in turn to determine whether an address is allowed to access a particular function.

The second category of Molecule contracts includes the following:

  1. MoleculeLogicList.sol: This contract is used to check whether an address is on a list of addresses that have been flagged for anti-money laundering (AML) purposes. It implements the IMoleculeLogic interface and can be added to a MoleculeController contract as a Logic contract.

  2. MoleculeLogicNFT.sol: This contract is used to check whether an address owns any non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in a specified ERC721 contract. It implements the IMoleculeLogic interface and can be added to a MoleculeController contract as a Logic contract.

Overall, the Molecule Protocol provides a flexible and extensible framework for implementing custom permissioning rules in smart contracts. By allowing users to define their own Logic contracts and combine them in different ways.

Offers a powerful tool for managing access control in decentralised applications.

Goerli Deployment

Contract Address

General Sanctions Controller

MoleculeLogicList AML US sanction list

MoleculeLogicList AML UK sanction list

Last updated